Pee Wee's Playhouse

I don't know if anyone else realized this but Natasha Lyonne was in the show for Pee Wee's Playhouse I think she was seven at the time I believe it was 1986 or something also along side was an actor who was with her in this scene was Shaun Weiss from the Mighty Ducks.


Yeah, and she was fired according to msn:

Natasha Lyonne

At the age of 19, she became a household name; now, she's closing in on 30 and you likely have no idea who she is. The crazy-eyed New York actress rose to fame in the unexpected blockbuster "American Pie," and since has spent nearly a decade as the poor man's Tara Reid. These days, she'll occasionally resurface to trash Michael Rapaport's apartment, remind police officers that she's a movie star, or threaten to sexually molest a neighbor's dog. The bottom line is that she got kicked off "Pee-Wee's Playhouse" at age 8 for her erratic behavior. How could you not want to point a camera at this woman?
