Dear Natasha

I saw you having brunch on Sunday in Boston. I piddled a bit coz you're a true badass and I *beep* love your work. I didn't approach you coz you were eating and it would piss me off if some jackass did that to me. Plus, my mother threatened to kick me in the balls if I made a scene.


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So you come to a public message board about her and try to find her?

Okayyyyyyy. I'm sure she gets on here on a regular basis.


Actually, the original message poster sounds pretty cool and posting a message here is probably as good of a place as any...I wouldn't doubt if Natasha might read the message someday and appreciate this person's kind consideration.


i hope she reads this board every now and then.

that way she can read my comments about her whorish ways to obtain drugs!


I don't think it's such a bad idea to post a message to Natasha Lyonne on here. Who knows, maybe she does check up on this site once in a while. I think I'd probably check it if i had a profile on imdb. I don't know much of anything about Natasha Lyonne and I really don't like becoming overly interested in the personal affairs of celebrities, but I get drawn in to it sometimes especially when it's with someone who i really admire (talent wise). If Natasha happens to read this, I hope she will realize that no matter what is going on between her and her relatives and close friends, she has a large group of people that think she is amazingly gifted and a real delight to see on the screen. She should know that she brings light and laughter in to the lives of many. maybe this is hard to see because of the hard life that comes with fame (the backstabbing, the obsessive fans, the press, the fast pace, identity confusion, sleepless nights, pressure, etc.) The thing about these gifted individuals is that while they give and give and give, what do they get? they get money and recognition. what happens after that? what happens when that gets old and there is no longer that motivation? when there is no next level. no flight of stairs left to climb? what if they have been at the top of the stairs their whole life and haven't even been aware of this? They get scared or depressed or both. They need to escape. The only answer that seems to be there is that bottle or that needle or that line. it's easy, accessible, and accepted. Why don't they just kill themselves? usually they want to but there is this little part inside of them that really wants to survive or be rescued. A lot of this has to do with depression and such. she should know that she isn't alone. and with her addiction (which i have only heard through the grape vine) she should know that she is not alone. that is what brings together the richest person and the poorest person, the smartest man and the simplest man. that's what makes us all human. She should know that it is not easy to fight this, but if she wants it, she can have it. she should know that she doesn't have to go back to the film world. she can make a new life and find a new adventure or goal that will make her happy because our world is filled with million adventures. I hope that she finds laughter and light because that's what she has given us.


Beautifully written, estella2!


perfectly put.
