MovieChat Forums > Natasha Lyonne Discussion > Got cheated out of American Pie

Got cheated out of American Pie

Just saw American Reunion...loved it, big fan of the originals, so a big nostalgia trip for me.

But I still think Natasha got cheated out of a much bigger and more deserving role with Jessica. She's one of, if not, my favourite character in the series - and besides film one, she only pops up briefly for a single scene in each concurrent movie. Such a shame, as she's got great timing, her character is interesting and fun to watch.


I have to agree totally. I found her character to be very interesting, but it felt as if they had cut out a large section with her in it, leaving her one dimensional. Just saw her in Slums of Beverly Hills. I must keep an eye out for her in more roles now.


I read she got 500k for this role, so I think she's having the last laugh.


500k for Slums of Beverly Hills or for American Pie? It would seem a lot for American Pie. But either way, good for her.


She got paid for than Tara Reid and a Chris Klein combined for American Reunion.
