It really is hard to beat Ledger. It's not only the best Joker but one of the best performances of all time due to the fact how committed he was psychologically to the role and how he disappeared into the character. Nicholson was very convincing as the joker and also put a lot of effort into his performance but I guess Ledger packed more of a punch than Nicholson. It was like he wasn't even human, and I can understand how anyone would feel creeped out just by being near him. Nicholson's joker was in a totally different universe to Nolan's Batman too, and I guess I just prefer the darker more serious tone. As for Leto, he had potential to be great, but unfortunately I think he was too good for the movie he was in. It was a total waste of talent and we'll never know how good he could have been. But from what we saw I think had he have taken Ledger's role, he also would have blown everyone away