MovieChat Forums > Thomas Jane Discussion > Punisher Should Return in Deadpool Movie

Punisher Should Return in Deadpool Movie

How awesome would it be if Jane returned as the punisher in the new deadpool movie, set to come out in 2011. I think hollywood and fans both really love the punisher, but they have tried a stand alone punisher movie three times with little success. I say why not incorporate punisher into a movie that is sure to be a hit and who better to star as the punisher than Jane who undoubtably played the part of the punisher the best in 2004.


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Thats a great idea.


Different rights holders, Marvel and disney own the rights for the punisher and the movies, Fox on the other hand has the rights to make x-men related films. Finally I don't think Marvel was that pleased with the 2004 film or it's continuity and pretty much gave up on it when things never fell through with part 2 leaving jane to leave as well as hensleigh, so they rebooted it with a new director and new actor. Personally I like stevenson better, he embodies the comic character more and looks like him ridiculously well. Jane did a good job out of all the things that went wrong with the 2004 version, but he wasn't the perfect and the character he portrayed was not the punisher most fans love, including long time writer of the franchise Garth Ennis( who hated the 2004 version which was based on his run in the late 90's).

"Most movies I like are usually the hated ones..."


