MovieChat Forums > Wes Bentley Discussion > Just an Opinion or Five

Just an Opinion or Five

Been watching some of Wes Bentley's films recently and took a look at this board. Normally I shy away from such places since they tend to be nothing but drama or gush, but today I decided "hey, why not?". So, just thought I'd get some general thoughts out there because I'm in the mood for some words. Agree with me or not, I really don't mind as long as you're civil and make an attempt to sound like some who knows how to use their words.

Ok, now onto the real thing.

I have found that I am consistently entertained by the films that Wes Bentley is in. True, not all of them are masterpieces, so few films are these days, but as a movie viewer I personally don't mind that. My personal opinion is that if a movie has entertained me that it is some level of successful. Not everything is Citizen Kane or The Graduate, and that's just how things are. I believe that Wes Bentley is a decent, if not good, actor who, at least for me, provides enough genuine entertainment for me to say he is one of my favorite actors. Not the best actor in the world, but what I've seen so far of his work I've been happy to watch him on screen. Maybe I enjoy the massive amounts of uncomfortable that comes with a good deal of the characters he plays, but you know what? That's fine by me. That, and I've seen acting that is far worse than anything I've ever seen Wes Bentley do. My poor ears and eyes...

Also, I've noticed that a fair amount of movies he's been in tend to be not terribly popular. I'm going to be completely honest and say that until I looked up his films here I'd never seen any kind of advertisement for most of them, which I'm certain isn't exactly the best thing in a line of work that deals a lot with marketing. Personally, I feel like these films might have done better if someone actually took the time to market them properly because believe me, there have been far worse films that have done much better simply because they are big name or someone put a lot of time into shoving it into the public eye.

As far as the man himself is concerned, I have a pretty decent amount of respect for Wes Bentley. He does something I'm absolutely scared to do (I could never be in the public eye. I'd turn into sad human-mush and hide away in a corner), and he's been through more than I can imagine myself going through (I'm so boring you guys. Seriously). The fact that he is trying to get back on his feet and get things going again is something I can respect. Some people never admit that they have a problem, and the fact that he was able to and do something about it is something I just find to be worth respect. This is coming from someone who generally doesn't give too much of a darn about celebrity personal lives. I tend to lean more toward their work that is meant to be judged and looked at rather than the person unless they do something ridiculously public. I'm figuring that's why I have a habit of staying away from those celebrity gossip magazines. Then again...I could always just be weird.

I suppose I'm just not that hard to please and I don't put too much faith into reviews because there is always opinion in such things regardless of how unbiased someone is attempting to me. Something the entire world loves I may hate, and something I love may be completely repulsive to others. That's how opinions work. It's like rainbow magic or something.

In case to didn't want to read that here are the important bits:

-I'm consistently entertained by films Wes Bentley is in, but I'm not saying they are all the most special amazing things in the history of ever. I just like them. Can't blame me for having an opinion.
-The films he's in tend to suffer from a lack of publicity, or at least from what I've seen they do.
-I have a respect for the man himself. The fact that he's still alive after all he's done is pretty awesome, and he's proof that sometimes you just need to give yourself a good kick and figure out what needs to be done.
-Everything is an opinion. You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time.

So, yeah, those are my thoughts, and I'm sticking to them. I'd like to think that my ideas are pretty well founded, and I'd be more than happy to discuss opinions with others so long as you're not being incredibly rude.


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You seem to be under the impression that I'm trying to get people upset, and I'm not. My opinions just tend to be not terribly bold. That's just how they are. If you didn't feel particularly intrigued by them there was no obligation for you to reply and yet you did. Also, I was not taking a stab at anyone in particular about drama and gushing, just general boards. Now, if I'd come right out and say you were a terrible person I think you'd have reason to be upset, but I don't think you do.

Besides, I just wanted other peoples thoughts. I provided my own, and if they're boring, so be it. Doesn't mean everyone else's have to be. It's a bit hard to be combative with yourself. I'm much better at discussion once I have someone else to discuss with, someone such as yourself.

And I never said you weren't entertained. I was making a comment that was very specific to my own thoughts. I don't claim to think for anyone else. I'm not psychic. Also, "entertaining" for me does not particularly mean "I enjoyed every single moment". Just means I could find parts of it that were enjoyable and find that it was worth a look. As I said, I'm pretty easy to please.

I can understand you being entertained by the man himself though. You have every right to be. However, you'll note that I made mention that what celebrities do themselves is rarely of much interest to me. Now, if you were talking more of "entertained by him" in the sense of his performance in movies then I'd agree with that. I enjoy watching his performances. I know what to expect, and what I expect is delivered.

I didn't watch Dragons and I can't remember much of Ligeia, so I don't really have much of an opinion on either of them. Perhaps I will one day. Though, I do remember at the end of Ligeia having considerable feelings of "uhhh...what was that?". Story definitely could have done with better explanations instead of just expecting the viewer to follow the already weird story. I feel it assumed too much of the viewer. Concept wasn't horrible, but the same can't be said for the execution.

I think I may just really enjoy being uncomfortable. Can't say I think it's something all people would find appealing, which could also contribute to people's general distaste for it. I don't think I've met a lot of people who enjoy being uncomfortable.

And yes, it does require a lot of money. I've had units on film in previous classes, and I'm currently in an intro to film class so the idea of advertising was on my mind. I didn't so much mean that all films have to money to advertise, but that it would be nice if they could. And yeah, when one comes right down to it film and acting is not just art. It's an occupation. Not much point if you don't get paid.

I respect his being not dead too. Seriously, having heard what he did to himself I'm honestly wondering what sort of mighty will to not die he has. And yes, he did do that for a time, but my respect comes more from the fact that he's working his way back from being human-mush. That is something I'm certain I'd have a hard time doing. I kind of stink on the rebound, and I'm rather stubborn. I'd end up digging myself into a hole that I would never get out of. That's how I feel anyway, so someone being able to get out of their personal hole (or at least trying to) is something I find admirable.

And you seem to be taking that comment far too seriously. I'm kinda easy-going so a little bit of silliness is just part of how I talk and type. It's habit, and I do apologize if it didn't sound that way to you.

And no, I wouldn't. Rude for me is more along the lines of people just shouting their opinion and not listening to what other people have to say. You have done no such thing.


Also, it appears I skimmed over that bit on pornography. Must be tired to not notice caps. Silly me.

I'd like to respond appropriately, but I'm also a little unsure if you're genuinely joking or just trying to be crude. Either way, I do hear porn stars do pretty well for themselves, however, I wouldn't watch that. I guess I just have a soft spot for plot.


Personally, I think your post is one of the very few I felt like reading for pretty much every reason you listed why you don't read them or post! Nicely written! No gushing like a 5 year old and no griping like an old man. :) Thank you for your thoughts. I have met Wes personally and he is such an very nice person. (Not "fan-met", "friend-met"). His sense of humor and ability to laugh ant himself is one of many reasons I will always stand by him. (That and I think he IS a gifted actor!) Thank you for your thoughts and now know that your well written post was respected by someone who appreciates them posting their thoughts knowing they are THEIR THOUGHTS and not everyone's absolutes! Enjoy! (And forgive any potential typos please... Apparently they will not let me preview this. Oh well.)


Thanks for posting one of the most respectful and level-headed messages I have seen on this site. Well done. On this site, it is commonplace to see posts from people who might have valid points but slather them with over-the-top animosity on the subject until the point is lost. And as was said, most people only seem moved to comment if their aim is to gush to the extreme or when they feel that something is a complete dumpster fire, and they won't hesitate to insult those who disagree with their opinions. Kudos for keeping the car between the lines.

I'm still in the process of discovering Bentley's work, but so far I have to agree with you in the sense that what I have seen so far is consistently entertaining. And no, every movie does not have to be Citizen Kane or Schindler's List to be entertaining (although I do love both). When I form an opinion on a particular movie, I judge it based on what it is trying to be and nothing more. Does it succeed on its own level? If so, then it satisfies. It's the same with actors - everyone can't be Leo or De Niro. There simply aren't many who perform at such a high level - they are elite and they are few. But that doesn't mean that others can't be engaging onscreen and deliver exactly the performance that the role they are playing requires, and so far, this is how I have viewed Wes Bentley - as a capable actor who possesses a natural charisma that comes across well onscreen and who manages to make his roles memorable even if they are relatively minor. That's saying something.
