MovieChat Forums > Jessica Alba Discussion > Her net worth is not even a Million doll...

Her net worth is not even a Million dollars...

Use your heads people...she would not be doing indi films such as this if she was worth 350 million LOL;

She is just a glorified face of a company which probably pay her 100k a year OR LESS to lie about how much involvement she has with the company. The same scenario applies to Tom of Myspace where you think this dude is someone who started the company getting 550 million to sell it off when all he is was just a friendly FACE and a copy editor.

The "Honest Company" is just a scam and the billion dollar evaluation is a paid for advertisement...just read the reviews;

2/5 stars

2/5 stars


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But why would anyone pay Tom to be the face of Myspace? Why would anyone care?

I'm not saying this has any relevance to whatever the situation is with the Honest Company, but I just think it is an odd connection to draw.

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Tom was your first "friend" when you signed up for Myspace and connected you to all of Myspace. I am just saying that everyone thought this dude actually owns and runs all of Myspace but he did not and does not and never earned 580 million for the sale of Myspace and he probably earned less than 5 million for the sale of it.

So the comparison is that Tom being the young internet hipster who owns Myspace and is now your FRIEND!...COOL!(very clever marketing) and after the sale of Myspace Tom was paid to stick around to still be the "face of Myspace"...and now we have Jessica Alba the young beautiful concerned mother that I was led to believe runs the Honest Company and sees over the day to day operations which she does not.

Jessica Alba is an actress paid to pretend...combined with the clever marketing that this company is valued over 1.7 billion dollars lol.

If you take a look at the reviews for this "Honest Company" you will see that their first order of business is to get your credit card number when you sign up for a "free sample" then charge your credit card for shipping of the "free" sample and take 150 dollars every month from your account for products you dont ask for....

Didn't Hitler's right hand man say “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"?


Pretty much (re : the Hitler reference). And I believe it's true. Regarding the company, sounds like a lot of MLM companies/scams. I will look it up. Like "Monavie" (remember that one)? And now, this "Thrive." People on FB and such are peddling it by getting friends to sign up, a friggin cult! It's Vitamins people! I'll do some research. I know you already have...

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


Ah ok, that makes sense.

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Tom was your first "friend" when you signed up for Myspace and connected you to all of Myspace. I am just saying that everyone thought this dude actually owns and runs all of Myspace but he did not and does not and never earned 580 million for the sale of Myspace and he probably earned less than 5 million for the sale of it.

Then how does Tom afford to travel all over the world since leaving Myspace? You're kidding yourself, he's rolling in cash. One view of his social accounts would tell you that. He made a huge killing off selling Myspace. 5 million? Pshhh. You're naive af if you think he only made 5 million and was only a 'friendly face' and 'copy editor'. He was indeed the founding member with other eUniverse employees and currently sits at a healthy 60 million net worth.


"Only" 5 million? Why is everyone here saying "only" to 5 million? I guess everyone here are multi millionaires huh?
Give me a break guys. If you have 5 million you are rich. Period.
