That's just your opinion. I've seen some of my friends go from puny guys with no confidence, into muscle bound studs who are brimming with confidence. Just by merely changing their body. If you don't understand this concept, you should do some research on it. Physical fitness changes a person physically as well as mentally.
No, I totally get this concept. The others here do, too.
Physical fitness may change some people mentally, but that doesn't mean their irrational fears are automatically conquered.
I have a friend who was on the big side most of her life. Several years ago, she worked her arse off and got into the best shape of her life. She was brimming with confidence (and still is). However, no matter how much better she felt about herself, and even though she was physically strong and fit, she STILL had a fear of spiders, specifically the big furry ones.
Just because she is now confident enough to wear tank tops does not mean that tarantulas don't still scare the living crap out of her.
Save a life...adopt a homeless pet.