Gonna ruin He-Man
Damn you Smith
shareI hope not but the trailer already has me not impressed. Anyway I will see it anyway
sharehe made it worse by lying to fans too, he hates Orko too , bad man
shareSo far
He kills Moss Man, Kills Skeletor, kills He-Man, kills Roboto, Kills Orko then Kills Prince Adam
Smith is creatively bankrupt and a lying piece of shit
setting up for Teela to save the day, i guess Teela becomes sorceress and resurrects He-man in the end to save the day, or they give everyone the power of the sword so everybody is special now , yeah
shareLooks like Teela becomes She-Man or Her-O but she's buff with a butch undercut hairdo. The 2002 version at least made her capable and hot not this LGBT pandering bullshit