MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > Does he need to kick the weed habit?

Does he need to kick the weed habit?

I believe he said he became a pot head while making Zak and Miri with Seth Rogan.

The movies have been steadily going downhill ever since. Red State, Tusk, Yoga Hosers. Each one worse than the last. Maybe the weed has not helped his judgement or discipline as a writer. Others have shown they can handle it, but it might not agree with Smith. Could he be using it too heavily, at least as far as his writing is concerned?

Just my completely uninformed speculation.

-I was born in a crossfire hurricane.


Without a doubt. He's not even the same person anymore, it sucks. He was much wittier, sharper and a better writer before this stoner *beep* And his movies are getting worse and worse. It's just a shame. I'm a huge fan and wish he could get his head back in the game and start really trying again as far as filmmaking. The fact that Kevin Smith hasn't at least tried to make a superhero movie by now is insane.


I agree. He use to be much more laid back now he's like a hypermaniac (how that even happened given pot is suppose o mellow you out).

He tries to justify that podcasting is equally as creative an outlet as film or comics which I disagree with. Podcasting to me is the creativity of those without talent.

What is more bothersome is how he talks himself out of doing films or tv shows that have scale to them.

He should stop being the ultimate fanboy of comics and actually take up the challenge. Why doesn't he direct the Flash film. He could go to Disney and pitch his Bednobs and Broomsticks idea. He removed himself from Buckaroo Banzai.

He has shown through his tv directing work that he can handle bigger scope.


I think it's sort of a tricky call, if he's constant on it then hell yes but then again is he really ?

I've been ruminating of late that there may be two Kevin Smith's one being his public persona, and the other being a very savvy businessman that nobody outside his family and very close friends ever get to see (and even then they are backing up the public persona to the media). I can't say for certain this has always been the case but maybe in the last decade I think it could be the case.

I just find it odd he'd suddenly take up the Mary-Jane, sometimes it just seems like a hook to hang a stupid story on, and as much as his film work has slid of late there is no denying he can spin a yarn on stage

Then again only a THC burnout case would think having Depp in his movies was a good idea


Yeah, it's really a shame how far he has fallen. I love Zack and Miri, it's one of my favorite movies of his. I like Tusk a lot, but Yoga Hosers was *beep* awful.

Maybe if he ever quits smoking weed, he'll finally go back to doing the stuff he was famous for as opposed to doing what sounds like a good idea for about 15 minutes.


hypermaniac (how that even happened given pot is suppose o mellow you out).

This clearly shows that you don't know about weed.

.and then the bong hits him on the head and he falls RIGHT over the realitY
