Terrible In Buffy

He was always a bad actor in that show, the worst in the entire run.

I haven't seen anything else he's done, so I can't condemn him for anything else, but on Buffy he was horrible.

It wasn't even how he was written, it was his readings - just plain and blank.

Is he better in anything else?

I Thought Only Kryptonite Could Hurt Superman. Not A Broken Heart.

From Beneath You, It Devours


Bailey wasn't bad it was just bad writting! Bailey was one of the few good things about that horrible show. I loved watching Bailey in his cute little soldier's uni he was way hot!!!


Ummmm... the best thing about that show???? I really don't thik so.
Graham was hardly an important character. However I enjoyed Bailey in it and he did a good job with what little he had to work with. You have to remember that Graham was essentially just a throw away character. An inititive soldier and a friend of Riley's to round that character more.
Check him out in Criminal Minds. I really l;iked him in that and it's a great show.

Mr Vaughn. You wouldn't happen to know an eight letter word for arrogant would you? - Sark


I think he did a fantastic job on Saving Grace. The part seemed to be made for him. I just wish they showed more of his private life away from the job. They touched on it a bit. We'll see what's in store for the rest.

Did it. Luv'd it. Do it again given the chance.
