MovieChat Forums > Alexander Skarsgård Discussion > I don't think his height is accurate

I don't think his height is accurate

It says he is 6'4 1/2". But every time you see him near anyone, he towers over them. My grandpa was 6 even, my dad 6'1", and my brother 6'3". I am only 5'7" which is decent for a female, but not model height. I only wear flats and yet none of them so obviously tower over me. Every picture of him has him towering over everyone around him, and those women wear heels, usually tall ones, and most men are between 5'9" to 6'2" in today's world, which makes it hard to believe most of Hollywood is Tom Cruise short. I mean I guess it's not super important, but I would think other fans would also be curious about how tall an actor really is when he towers so much over others.

I don't know, I guess it's just always confused me to think he is barely taller than my brother when he looks to be near the top of an NBA scale. Anyone else with me on this?


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Correction, not Tom Cruise short but Michael J Fox short, I think he is the one who was sensitive about height issues back in his early career. I don't know why I thought Cruise was 5'2".


Alex is 6'4" and has said so himself. And yes Hollywood guys have a tendency to be on the short side. Average height overall for a guy is only 5'10".


In America, average height for men is 5'9" and average height for women is 5'4".


That must depend on which stat chart you look at. The one I saw said 5'10".


All of the obviously short men in Hollywood, including Paul Newman, claim/ed to be 5'10". In Newman's case, I have it on good authority that he was exaggerating by a good 4 inches. Even Russell Crowe, whom I love, claims to be 5'11" when he's more like 5'9".


I've been lucky enough to see him up close and he really is that tall, and might I say even more beautiful in person than I thought possible. Lastly, he was the nicest man. Even after being ushered out of the theater, he went out the side with all of his fans and signed every last autograph and took pics until no one was left. Extremely polite, courteous, and thankful.


He´s a huge dude. I would say more as like 200 cm or above it. Guess its a not great thing being to tall so he says he´s a little smaller.
