MovieChat Forums > Emmy Rossum Discussion > typical uptight American

typical uptight American

nothing wrong with what Gisele did


SHE'S uptight when YOU can't take a joke....really?


She wasn't criticizing it. She was just poking fun at the idea of "multitasking"- doing more than one task at a single time (for example: cooking dinner, while talking on the phone and cleaning the kitchen as you go along). Usually multitakers are stressed and don't have enough hours in the day to do all they need to. In Gisele's photo, which she tagged "multitasking" she was doing one task: feeding her child. Actually everyone in the picture was doing one task. The hair stylist was doing her hair, the make-up artist was doing her make-up, the manicurist was doing her nails and Gisele was feeding her baby. No one was doing more than one thing at a time. No one looks stressed.

Emmy was teasing Gisele about this by recreating the photo only with a doll rather than an actual baby. She even tagged it with #kidding so that people would no that it was not to be taken seriously. It was all in fun.
