You see it a lot when he's on talk shows. He's one of those guys who buys in to his own hype and thinks he's funnier than he really is.......and when he's on a talk show, he tries to be funny 100% of the time, rather than picking his spots. The really smart ones (like Clooney, Hanks, Gibson).....PICK...THEIR...SPOTS. They play it straight and humble/sincere...but when an opportunity for a joke or some self-deprecation presents itself, they jump on it. Farrell has not learned this yet. He does schtick 100% of the time, and he's not only not good at's actually off-putting!
Chevy Chase is like this as well. His attempt at hosting a talk show failed because people finally realized....he's actually not very funny/clever by himself. He's simply a good "comic" or comedic actor....when he has a good SCRIPT....a good director, and a competent supporting cast of actors. Watching Chevy interview people (or get interviewed himself)....anything where he didn't have a script and needed to try and be funny/clever on his own...was quite painful.
Both Ferrell and Chase were fine in 3-minute skits on SNL.....decent in small bits like that. But that's about it. I don't think either are very naturally funny.