Grow up- He should reap what he's sown!
What is it with all these posters who're shifting the blame for what's happened to Christie Brinkley's family? Answer the question, why SHOULDN'T this be made public? Why should that POS scum Peter Cook, slink away without some accounting for all he's done? Do you really think the "children" are so deaf, dumb, & blind that they haven't known what's gone on? Give them some credit for not being morons! Now all of a sudden, the children MATTER to Cook, or to other cheaters in his position? Didn't they matter, when he was "having fun" in some motel room? Grow the F'up!! Cook & cheaters like him thrive on secrecy & slithering in the shadows! The best way to enlighten folks, & let those who think cheating is exciting or fun, is by showing them exactly what might happen when $hit hits the fan! How about thinking twice before succumbing to instant gratification? Why is your responsibility placed on her, & not on him for his actions? He did this as an adult, now he should deal with the consequences like an adult! He placed his kids in the crosshairs, not her! Explain to me again why she's to blame?
" Remember, it's not a lie- if you believe it"!- George Costanza