Why the failed marriages?
I'm a living Legend
I'm a living Legend
I feel her husband needed her more than she knew,and that's why he was screwing a teenager.Christie was a woman who had fame as a fashion model 70's ICON of course.And her married this glammed fashion ICON and he thought she be around;home cooking;a 30 minute crappy talk show;and raise they're children they have but no Christie still has a career going and traveling around the world too.And she's not home being a baby moma;like Peter thought she would.And notice all the sex he had with that teen girl;nice young and tight too and that had of been good for him we know.
I don't think Chritie had a really good sex life with her husband Peter Cook.
And that left him wanting something or someone,and porn factored in fast because when men are not getting any sex with the wife who away most of the time guys get a little freaky with their need for sex anywhere and anyone aswell
so the marriage started to break up .Who's to blame well it's easy to blame her but Peter should have told his wife look I need you home some instead of running around the country selling makeup and things so say home for a while so we can be together that's all he needed to say.Maybe Peter is sort of a little freaky guy I'm sure he'd rather be doing it with Christie instead.
Women like Christie will always have problem being married to men because she has a great deal of suscess in her her life and that's the problem,nothing wrong with fame and fortune it's just real hard to keep your life straight to live the rigt way.
She is the biggest attention seeking person alive. I remember seeing her in the Hamptons in the 1990's and early 2000's with her family. She barely paid attention to her kids if there was anyone else around. She was always flashing a giant rictus grin and ignoring her kids in order to soak up any attention from a stranger. I remember seeing some pictures of her at a Harry Potter movie premiere. Her kids were little and they just wanted to go inside and see the movie. But Christie wouldn't have it. Oh no! Not her. She kept walking away from the family and talking to the people standing outside the theater. Her kids were actually pulling on her arm to drag her crazily grinning self away from the strangers. She actually kept pulling back from her son to soak up more attentionshare
Click the link and see the pics of her attention seeking. It tells a lot why all her marriages have failed
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