MovieChat Forums > Christie Brinkley Discussion > Why do men cheat on beautiful women

Why do men cheat on beautiful women

I don't understand when they cheat they pick someone who isn't nearly as beautiful as their wives.


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My guess is that most of it doesn't have to do with beauty. Christie is certainly beautiful and look amazing for her age.

However, men often cheat with women/girls who are 1. much younger and 2. are "free" meaning that they don't have children to support. Getting married and having a family require responsibilities. If a child has special needs, it can put a damper on the relationship.

If there are multiple children, such as Christie and Peter's, then the husband often comes home to a chaotic and noisy home where usually women turn into nagging housewives: "Peter, take out the garbage." "Peter, Jack's soccer game is tomorrow, you need to go." "Peter, I need to work late tonight so you need to bathe the kids and put them to bed."

So imagine that Christie's ex Peter goes through this every day. Then he meets a pretty 18 year old girl who's free and happy....she doesn't burden him with husband and parenting duties; her time is spent hanging out with friends, going to college, going to parties, seeing concerts and movies. So her lifestyle is much more appealing and free than Peter's. So it's enticing to want to be with someone who wakes up and goes to sleep when they want, can travel at a moment's notice, and isn't exhausted from day-to-day child rearing to put out. So the teenage girl Peter cheated with has a more impressive lifestyle than his wife.

Look at Tiger Woods....his ex-wife Elin is gorgeous. But his life with Elin was that of a marriage and children, and responsibilities. Look at the girls Tiger cheated with...all young (maybe not as pretty as Elin) and a free-wheeling lifestyle...Vegas, strippers, porn stars. They led exciting lives not being tied down with children. So their lifestyle was perhaps more appealing than his life married with children.

That's my hypothesis!


I think that's why society should be a matriarchy. Guys are always trying to rig the system to get their cake and eat it too. I've maintained for a long time that women would do better in politics and running the economic show as well, as we aren't as susceptible to "tomcatitis".


Aw, someone deleted the reply before I could read it.
