Dear Damon Wayans: Shut up and go watch The Accused!
"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"
Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"
"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"
Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"
Absolutely! F YOU Damon. And F that punk puke piece of sh!t Bill Cosby.
shareHe's a disgusting pig.
shareSad that people could still think this way even today.
share Dear Daman,
Your words about a plethora of women speaks to your own personal internal issues. While none of us know all the facts, it's pretty clear that a mass hysteria has not taken over. To imply all the relationships of what appears to be a serial psychopath rapist perpetrating on many young and vulnerable women is disgusting. These are the women who have come forward. How many more suicided in shame only to be the brunt of your women hating poor humor. If you never work again the entertainment industry may be better for it.
Peace to you.
Agape Love
Why don't you all choke on Jello, have a Coke and a smile
shareOr as the "much-revered" Dr. Bill Cosby might put it: "Why don't you contemplate the wonderfulness of yourself?"
PS Steve Schrippa (a/k/a the great Bobby Bacala on "The Sopranos") worked as a producer for the big act shows at the Las Vegas casinos before becoming an actor.
According to Mr. Schrippa, Bill Cosby was SO cheap that he would never tip the waiters and waitresses or any of the other employees at the casinos. Apparently, "Dr. Huxtable" was universally disliked by all of the casino workers, due to his arrogant attitude and exceedingly parsimonious ways.