MovieChat Forums > Ally Walker Discussion > 'American Dad!' appearance?

'American Dad!' appearance?

HBO's bio for Ally mentions that Ally has made an appearance on FOX's "American Dad!". Anyone have any info on this? I checked this site and's episode listings for the series, but Ally's name didn't come up. Perhaps she is a guest star on the upcoming season?


I just read an interveiw where it states she is in an up coming episode.
Plus how cool is it she is doing a new movie as we speak.


Any chance you still have the interview URL dashed somewhere? Garn's Guides ( lists Ally's "AD" episode as episode 38, "Four Little Words", which was broadcast in April of this year. It's amazing how difficult it is to get confirmation on this thing, one way or another.


The link is in google news somewhere under "Ally Walker"


Have you seen this episode? I watched it last night. It's a good episode.


Unfortunately, fat chance of seeing it in my country (Finland). Is the episode indeed "Four Little Words" episode? What was her character? Thanks for any info!


She plays Melinda a love interest for the CIA boss.


You can find it on the internet to download it. If you really want to see it. I live in Australia, so it took 12 months to be shown here.
