MovieChat Forums > Ally Walker Discussion > she is EXCELLENT in Sons of Anarchy

she is EXCELLENT in Sons of Anarchy

This woman is EXCELLENT in this show. Even if you root for the good guys, she truly makes you despise her sometimes even though she is on the right side of the law. She gives such a great performance and credence to the point of view that the "good guys are not necessarily good guys". Fine acting. Great job and I hope we get to see more of her both on "Sons" and the big screen.


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She is another "overlooked talent in Hollywood". Sandra Bullock for our good fortune made "it". I wish Ally Walker did so as well, not that she failed, but I would have loved to see her more often.


Agreed, she's great in SOA! I hope this show provides a lot more opportunity for her to showcase her talents.

Awesomeness: When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome again. True story.


did you guys see Tell Me You Love Me? She's great in it and it's a show worth watching--it was on for one season last year on HBO.



I agree with all of you. I'd love to see her in more shows. Tues. was the first epi I'd seen her in on SOA and she was very good; so different from the "Porfiler". I have all the DVD's from that show and a couple of her TV movies, but would love to have more of the things she's been in. Don't have HBO so didn't get to see Tell Me You Love Me. I'm sure she was terrific.

Have a great day! :)

"What are they gonna do, send me to Vietnam?"


She was great in Tell Me You Love Me. You can buy it on dvd now,for a pretty good price. If you haven't all ready you should checkout "The Seventh Coin" She was so funny in that movie. It's now on dvd.


Are you all kidding!! This woman is an awful actress. She's about the only false note in an otherwise great show. What's the deal with her ridiculous inhale before she speaks a line? She would fit in great with the bad actors on CSI Miami, David Caruso and Emily Proctor. I wish they would end her character on SOA, because she really brings the show to a halt anytime she's on screen.
