Botox gone horribly wrong?
that's one vicious mug!
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shareI was thinking the same thing - it's just her upper lip area that seems un-natural
shareNot just botox.
She seems to have had some kind of face lift (failed, to some degree) and a nasty nose job.
Sad, how beautiful women mutilate themselves in this way.
The American CEO is analogous to the Appendix...
I only saw her in Universal Soldier and I liked her alot!
She's great in 'Sons of Anarchy' but yeah something on her face seems to have drastically changed.
She looks like all of the "older" actress in hollywood who have had too much surgery-- they start to look like a Muppet- with a mouth that is stretched too wide for their face and lips that are WAY to big.
shareI believe the episode where she had her face smashed into the table was a way of explaining it to the viewers. From memory the next time you see her she has had cheek implants and a brow lift. Looks Terrible!
shareI caught an ep. of Profiler today, and I wondered what Ally Walker was up to these days. I came to IMDb, which had a couple eps of Sons of Anarchy on Ally's page. When her first scene came on, I didn't think it was her (I could tell it was her voice, but not her face). Her upper lip is frozen solid. Her nose looks different too, but her lip is just freaking me out. IT WON"T MOVE!!