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Hi- I am good at diagnoses- empath- I feel he has arthritis in his hands and somehow this is causing this-
get better treatment for his hands-


He reportedly said his head hurts him like crazy when he's lying down. He actually appealed to the public for answers, since the doctors are stumped. I wonder how I can reach him, does anybody know? (I've always been puzzled as to how people "write to" TV/movie stars ... is there some magic address we're supposed to know?) I've had migraine headaches my whole life but a lot of times they're not actually headaches, they're just weird muscle pulls/strains that are REALLY annoying; you can't do anything like drive, watch TV ... anything. You just want to chop your head off. I'm wondering if that's what he's experiencing. All I can do is take a of medication to help me sleep. Neurologists really don't know about this kind of thing; they're just guessing, and they just give you pain relievers/muscle relaxants and hope you'll feel better. Well, they'll do brain scans to rule out anything more serious, but I've done that (and Mr. Van Dyke has too) to no avail. I sure feel for him!


Have you tried contacting him on twitter?

I am now a checkerboard chick!


What a frustrating ordeal to be living with. I hope he finds the answers and relief he needs soon. I've always liked him a lot.


I like Dick Van Dyke a lot also.

At the grocery tonight, I saw a magazine with Dick Van Dyke's picture and it claimed he had a mystery illness. I wonder if he has gone to the Mayo Clinic. CA doctors are sometimes weird and "clueless."


He mentioned on twitter today it seems his dental implants are the cause.

D*** it Hardison!


Thanks for the update. If the dental implants are truly the source of Dick Van Dyke's pain, I hope his doctors can find a remedy and cure him FAST.
