MovieChat Forums > John Turturro Discussion > Make More Freaking Films John Turturro

Make More Freaking Films John Turturro

No more silly Transformer or Adam Sandler films but films that truly explores your range as an actor. Hollywood needs you, you're a talent that has been wasted for too long!

He may never read this but it had to be said!


I second that! I have never seen anything of this actor that I didn't like.


I agree. I was watching The Night Of when he's giving the closing argument and towards the end you see his eyes well up with tears and hear his voice break in a very real way. I thought to myself how many actors could have pulled that off? It's a very short list that could do it as perfectly.

Such a waste of acting brilliance especially when you see Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck, and Matthew McConaughey get all this praise and are constantly working. None of those actors have a tenth of the talent. I know it's style before substance but It really made me wonder what have we missed because of Hollywood's short sighted shallowness.
