My Favorite Actor

Stanley Tucci has had quite a plethora of films in the past few years. And not just bit parts but big, meaty, juicy roles. I've enjoyed every single one of them. He comes off as such a natural in every single thing he does. Every move he makes seems so effortless.

I'm proud to call Stanley Tucci my favorite actor and I look forward to seeing more of his films in the future!

As an aside, I especially love the chemistry and camraderie he shares with Meryl Streep on the silver screen. I love these two together!


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I love Stanley Tucci, too. My absolute favorite scene of his is in The Core. His character has the quintessential mental and emotional breakdown, after the rest of the crew decides to continue the original mission. His verbal rant, as his character loses control, is one of the best bits of "going crazy" acting I've ever seen. I love to watch this man act!


He's AMAZING, he can play ANY role, I was STOKED when I heard he was in Hunger Games. I loved him in Julie and Julia. The man is so under-rated IMO!


Me too! I 😘 him in Transformers. Can you give me more info about him...plzzz! πŸ˜€


BTW,πŸŽ‚to him!
