MovieChat Forums > Nancy Travis Discussion > Worst preformance ever..

Worst preformance ever..

She was responsible for the worst acting preformance EVER in Rose Red.. The mini-series/film was allover stinky, and she topped it all off with the worst acting I've ever seen. I'm speechless..


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I'd have to disagree on both Rose Red being abd and her performance being bad. I thought she actually had the best performance in the entire mini series.


Nah, she blew chunks in that awful miniseries.


her acting was very bad in rose red, and to top it all off, she isn't that bad in other stuff. She probably can't play the workaholic, neurotic type characters!!


Rose Red was just bad all the way around.


All of the characters in Rose Red were over the top. The chubby, rude, momma's boy, the quaker looking old lady that wrote things, the sensitive blonde guy, etc... It's not that her performance was bad, it's that the the overall characters were so unbelieveable. The plot was a bit vague as well.

I think Nancy is a wonderful actress. She's underrated as a comic actor. Loved her in Axe Murderer and Becker.


Dear Folks,
This writer doesn't think Miss Travis gave a bad performance in Rose Red,but that Rose Red just plainly SUCKED!
Merry Xmas.
To Better Days,


Couldn't agree more, appalling acting from everyone involved but she actually managed to be the worst.
