MovieChat Forums > Stellan Skarsgård Discussion > Wow! He literally sounds just like...

Wow! He literally sounds just like...

Geoffrey Rush! I will have to now post the same thing on Rush's board!


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Except he has a Swedish accent and G Rush is, I think, Australian! LOL ;)

"If you don't know you will you're new" ~ DocDuchaine


While his accent is definitely different from that of Geoffrey Rush, Stellan never sounded Swedish to me. His accent always sounded to me like a mish-mosh of Irish and British accents.

But otherwise, they do sound very similar.


He sounds almost American to me, but I haven't heard a lot of Swedish accents either. It amazes me to here him speak and realize he is a foreigner.

I am a proud believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.


I've noticed a lot of Swedes have very subtle accents. Max Von Sydow just sounds like an Englishman to me as well. Liv Ullmann also has a very slight accent.

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