What I enjoyed about his portrayals....
Was how he was one of those actors that could surprise you because of his ability to be unpredictable. He could go from 1 to 100 and back to 1 in an instant.
shareWas how he was one of those actors that could surprise you because of his ability to be unpredictable. He could go from 1 to 100 and back to 1 in an instant.
sharei think he was very talent man.
i enjoy his memorable cameo in point break - he was good at this type of role.
i enjoy him as inmate in stallone movie 'lock up' where he is suppose to be sly's friend and his betrayals come from nowhere and when he is asked by sly why he betray him, his reason is so well acted by sizemore.
he was very good man at playing people on edge but at same time he was interesting actor to watch. he always stand out in movie i see him in and this is good sign