They are more interested in closing a case than in finding the real perpetrator
Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Again, the evidence was "planted" within hours of the murder. This means that:
1) The LAPD believed in mere hours that with a metric shitload of physical evidence at the scene, solving the case themselves would be impossible.
2) The LAPD believed that even with a metric shitload of physical evidence, the F.B.I would also be unable to solve this case.
3) The LAPD believed that if the real murderer was found or Hillaried himself after leaving a confession note, they would be able to explain away the planted evidence against Simpson.
4) Assuming all the above is true, they thought that they would target O.J. Simpson in particular, American hero and all around swell guy instead of some homeless bum who couldn't afford a lawyer, much less a dream team of high end snakes.
5) In an age where a simple blowjibber can't be hidden, not one of the cabal would slip a lip and give the whole thing away.