MovieChat Forums > O.J. Simpson Discussion > Imagine Denying a WOMAN Justice Simply t...

Imagine Denying a WOMAN Justice Simply to Get Back at the LAPD?

As much as I despise the LAPD, and as much as I've long championed Black Americans with respect to the shitty way they have been characterised and treated by the system, and white people in general, you don't give a MURDERER and WIFE BEATER a pass simply to serve the 'right narrative' and get back at the establishment. Nicole Simpson Brown and Ron Goldman weren't goddamn pawns. They were LIVING, BREATHING HUMAN-BEINGS. They deserved better. 😠


Well, that's the country we asked for (I used to identify as a liberal and think the rules of reality needed to be distorted to make up for past wrongs; thankfully, I've grown out of that suicidal mindset).


"I used to identify as a liberal"
Now you've turned to the party of handmaidens and hate. Does it gratify your yearning for superiority?


I'm a leftist, but is SandyR particularly wrong here?!? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Consider my OP/argument, which SandyR is agreeing with.

Do you think we should be rooting for *any* mindset that allows a man to go free for BRUTALLY MURDERING A MOTHER and her friend a YOUNG JEWISH MAN?!? 😠 WELL?!?

Bear in mind, before you reply, that *THIS* is the point SandyR was agreeing with, and if he's changed his politics on THIS basis, can anyone really FUCKING blame him?!? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜ 


The videos of black people in bars cheering when the "not guilty" verdict was announced on tv were disappointing. Up until then, I had assumed they were smarter than that.


Why you despise the LAPD? Not all police officers are bad people, most of them are generally good people who have a dangerous and thankless job.


Well, it's besides my point, isn't it?

My OP wasn't an attack on the LAPD. It was a critique of the people who were 'getting back' at them.


Letting a man who killed his wife, nearly decapitating her, of the hook simply because he's black and to 'own the cops' was a real stain on the African American community. From what I gather some of them still claim he's innocent though most have come around to the fact he's a piece of shit.


Ok but the police and prosecutors fucked it up.
They let a shrewd lawyer get his client acquitted.
The trial just followed that logic, not the "let's get OJ out or there will be another riot" logic.


Black people sincerely believed he was innocent. I remember fierce debates at work where every black coworker argued his innocence and every white coworker said he was guilty.
