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Assuming you're not a troll....

(1) So, you were there and witnessed the whole thing?

(2) Even if his killing of Goldman was "in a fit of rage" (which I'm sure it was), this doesn't qualify as a "heinous crime"?

(3) How do you know he wanted to be "acceptable before God" (whatever that means)? Do you have access to his innermost thoughts? Or that "he had the love, confidence and respect of everyone who knew him"? You have access to the thoughts of every single one of them as well?

(4) He strove "for things that really matter"? Such as money, trophies, a trophy wife, a mansion, a football career, a movie career...not to mention all the frivolous, trite, paltry, materialistic goods he says were stolen from him, the retrieval of which landed him in prison?

(5) Even leaving aside the minor issue of two murders, nothing in O.J.'s life or character marks him as "great" by any standard of rationality. Put another way, if he's "great", who isn't? You have a pretty elastic, not to mention just plain stupid, notion of greatness, apart from your capacity for self-righteous self-delusion.
