MovieChat Forums > O.J. Simpson Discussion > Why are we still talking about him 20 ye...

Why are we still talking about him 20 years later

It's old news now and the guy is in jail. Why are people still talking about it after all this time?


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I agree. There are lot more important things going on in this world then OJ. He is in jail probably for the rest of his life. Let it go.


I don't know if he will be in jail the rest of his life but since he got parole he will be in there until at least 2017.

I'm kind of surprised the whole Jared Fogle scandal hasn't got more media coverage.

The reason I ask why are we still talking about OJ, i mean is there really anything left to say or learn about it? It's pretty obvious that is guilty and I think anyone who thinks he didn't commit murder just wants to speculate on something that is not a popular opinion. There's just too much evidence to convince me he is not guilty.


We still talk about dinosaurs and most have been extinct for millions of years


And the innocent verdict is still considered one of the worst miscarriges of justice in American History.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson


You tell me, boy.


There was no "innocent verdict." No such thing exists. He had a "not guilty" verdict, which is a very different thing.


Not guilty is the same as innocent.
