You've made this same thread for nearly a dozen other celebs. Who cares? How does this affect YOU in any way, shape, or form? Unless you're neighbors with any of them, and I highly doubt you are, why do you care where they live? They'd still be in movies and television. You don't want to see them? Just don't watch their movies and shows. It's as simple as that. I doubt ANY of this is registering with you. I've read your profile and you admit that you just like to argue with people over politics. Go to CNN's or the FOX News site. There are plenty of political sites with people just like you who think that politics is the be all, end all. Clinton, Trump, who gives a sh!t? They're both two sides of the same coin. You think either one of them cares about you, is going to look out for you, or will ever even know you exist?
All politicians are the same. They all promise you change to get in a position of power. Then, when they get that position, the only "change" you get is in the form of pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters. This particular election has really flushed out the idiots in the US. I know. I'm just talking to myself. You'll skim over this, pick and choose your points of argument, and tell me how wrong I am. And it'll just be so mind-blowing. I've seen the movies you give high ratings to. Not trying to judge, but I don't think I'm going to get some earth-shattering debate from a guy who gives movies on the SyFy channel an 8/10. That's all you'll get from me, because I care about politics about as much as you care about my cholesterol levels.