MovieChat Forums > Geoffrey Rush Discussion > A thought and question I have of Quills

A thought and question I have of Quills

Since I watched this movie I just can't stop thinking about it.
So I have a thought and the question is how agree you are with my theory or with this thought

Madeline was more atracted to the Marquise but tried to love the Abbé because he was a safe choice to be with and he showed her how much she cared for her.

He always went to help her whenever he could, but I always saw Madeline Happier with the marquise.
She had much more fun with him and a felt admiration fore him
when the abbé asked her if wanted to stay in the Ayslum for the Marquise she said no just to protect the marquis without putting herself in danger.

She knew the doctor was after the marquise and the abbé was a little influenced by him(the doctor) so she said I'm in love with you( with the abbé) and I'm gonna miss you so he wouldn't hurt the Marquise and make the doctor stop with persecution.


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I watched Quills last night, whilst keeping in mind what you had said here. Taking what you've said, and my own interpretation of what happens in the film, here's how I see things:

Madeline was more attracted to the Marquise but tried to love the Abbé because he was a safe choice to be with and he showed her how much she cared for her.

I think Madeline was attracted to them both for different reasons, rather than attacted to one more than the other. The Marquis knew how to charm and, as Madeline said herself, allows her 'to be a bad woman on the page'. During one of their first meetings, the Marquis tried to seduce her but she rejected his attempt, which I took she wasn't interested in him sexually. I think she truly loved the Abbe, not so much that she tried to, she actually did.

He always went to help her whenever he could, but I always saw Madeline Happier with the marquise.
She had much more fun with him and a felt admiration fore him

The Marquis' attitude and behaviore always brought out the fun side of Maddie, whereas with the Abbe it was more serious.

when the abbé asked her if wanted to stay in the Ayslum for the Marquise she said no just to protect the marquis without putting herself in danger.

This was a key bit for me as I couldn't recall that exact conversation, however as that scene started, my mad pooch decided it was playtime! Anyway, from what I recall, Maddie wnted to stay, even begging the Abbe not to send her away. I think the Abbe's motive for sending her away was to protect himself - he was struggling to keep himself virtuous and not give in to his true feelings for her - as much as it was to protect Maddie, not necessarily from the Marquis but from the doctor and the gradual decline of Charenton as it had been.

She knew the doctor was after the marquise and the abbé was a little influenced by him(the doctor) so she said I'm in love with you( with the abbé) and I'm gonna miss you so he wouldn't hurt the Marquise and make the doctor stop with persecution.

Now, I may have completely misunderstood what you've said her, so forgive me if that's the case. I think all Maddie said to the Abbe was what she truly felt for him. I don't think anything she said to him would have prevented the eventual demise of the Marquis. As for the Abbe, he was completely under the doctor's control by this point.

The doctor's persecution of the Marquis was driven by a number of things, and no matter what Maddie's actions or intentions were, it wouldn't have changed anything:

- The doctor was under the instructions of the emperor, and I'd dare say he saw this as an opportunity to further himself.

- The doctor had lost his wife through the influence of the Marquis' work

- Charlotte was no better than a spy and aided the doctor in his persecution.

- The Marquis' wife was another key part in the Marquis' downfall. After her visit to the Marquis, she basiclly gave the doctor free license to cure him through whatever means or, failing that, 'leave him as carrion for the rodents and the worms'.

(I must add to that I love the way Jane Menelaus plays the part of the Marquis' wife with such innocence that you feel so much sympathy for her, when actually she's partly responsible for his eventual death, but she comes across as vulnerable and wronged that her callous actions get easily overlooked).


During one of their first meetings, the Marquis tried to seduce her but she rejected his attempt, which I took she wasn't interested in him sexually

I think she was but she was a little afraid of that Atracttion because she knew the marquise wasn't so safe to be with.
But I bet she felt sexually attracted to him.
At least Kate's chemistry with Geoffrey made it look that way( both were very atractted to each other), maybe they should have cast another actress who didn't have enough chemistry with him Lolll.

I think all Maddie said to the Abbe was what she truly felt for him. I don't think anything she said to him would have prevented the eventual demise of the Marquis.

Don't worry.
I think I wrote my thoughts not so well.

Shure like you said, she loved both for different reasons but I think the felt a little gealous by the marquis so I think that's why he didn't object to much the doctors methods, he loved maddie but with the marquis out of his way, he could have Madeline's atenttion for him.

I there was a secret intention of sending Madeline away.
Madeline went to say goodbye to his marquis and she was sad for leaving him that's why she asked a last story.

The doctors wife leaving him thanks to the Marquis writings was just an excuse to really bring him down.
And the Marquis's wife I couldn't stand her, just to see her on the doctor's side made me want slap her but the actress who played did a great job.

I felt so surprised when I knew she is Geoffrey's real life wife.
Her hate against him looked so real.


At least Kate's chemistry with Geoffrey made it look that way( both were very atractted to each other), maybe they should have cast another actress who didn't have enough chemistry with him Lolll.

Oh, they had great chemistry, which was needed in a film like this. Any lesser actor or actress in the roles Kate and Geoffrey took could have easily ruined the premise of a very good movie. Their chemistry even spilled over off the screen - there's a wonderful clip on the net of Geoffrey and Kate at a press conference (Berlin Film Festival, I think) and Geoffrey was talking about his delight at finding he got to kiss Kate, and Kate suddenly leapt from her seat, ran over to Geoffrey and stunned him with a pretty full-on kiss in the middle of the press conference. Kate is very much another favourtire of mine.

And the Marquis's wife I couldn't stand her, just to see her on the doctor's side made me want slap her but the actress who played did a great job. I felt so surprised when I knew she is Geoffrey's real life wife.
Her hate against him looked so real.

When I first watched the film, I wasn't aware the Jane was Geoffrey's real-life wife, but on that first viewing I was really impressed with her acting (I even thought she was an English actress and just one I hadn't really been aware of, such was the convincing-ness of her accent). Later finding that it was Geoffrey's actual wife partly explained why there was great chemistry between them, as well as both of them being very talented actors.

This is worth taking a look at:

It's a version of the film script - possibly the final version given how it almost exactly matches the film. However, this has two wonderful additions, which sadly didn't make it into the end product.

The first is additional dialogue between the Abbe and the Marquis during the strip scene - I find that one of the most powerful scenes in the film; it's a real turning point. I wish the additional dialogue here was filmed/kept in as it deepens the perverseness of the Marquis and show how far he is willing to push things.

The second is another scene with the Marquis' wife meets the doctor on a second occassion as she is now almost entirely bankrupt and doesn't believe the doctor has met his end of their earlier 'contract'. It shows just how desperate the Marquis' wife has become, at the expense of her husband, and what has been driving the doctor in his persecution of the Marquis up to this point.

Oh, and I recommend checking out this interview with Geoffrey about filming Quills and de Sade:


"Oh, they had great chemistry, which was needed in a film like this. Any lesser actor or actress in the roles Kate and Geoffrey took could have easily ruined the premise of a very good movie"

I was kidding on this, of course I agree with you that this movie needed those two actors togather.
I can't imagine anyone else in their parts.

"there's a wonderful clip on the net of Geoffrey and Kate at a press conference (Berlin Film Festival, I think) and Geoffrey was talking about his delight at finding he got to kiss Kate, and Kate suddenly leapt from her seat, ran over to Geoffrey and stunned him with a pretty full-on kiss in the middle of the middle of the press conference."

I saw this video once on tv and I've tried to look for it again so if you could send me the link I'd really apreciate it.

What a crazy moment, but great at the same time.
That proves we Geoffrey's are not crazy for finding him sexy.
Kate who is like ten years younger than him agree with us.

"When I first watched the film, I wasn't aware the Jane was Geoffrey's real-life wife, but on that first viewing I was really impressed with her acting (I even thought she was an English actress and just one I hadn't really been aware of, such was the convincing-ness of her accent). Later finding that it was Geoffrey's actual wife partly explained why there was great chemistry between them, as well as both of them being very talented actors. "

Me either.
I knew this after I watched the trivia section when I finished the movie.
When I love a movie I check every detail of it on imdb watch some fan made videos and YouTube and thinks like that.
That's how I knew Jane was Geoffrey's real life wife and a Gree with you she was fantastic and also had great chemistry with him but like I said I hatted her character for being on the doctor's side.

I loved the marquis and I didn't want to see him falling down.

Mmmm it's shame they took of those scenes, I they would have been amazing and very interesting to watch.
But anyway i still love the movie the way it is.
I would have preferred another ending with the Maqruis and Madeline togather but the one we see it's not that bad hehehhe

I will check all the video links you gave me thanks so much for them


I haven't been able to find a video clip, but this is closest thing I have of Kate kissing Geoffrey during a press conference:


Thank you so much for the link and sorry for bothering you


So true it was impossible for them o have a romantic relationship but it's obvious they loved each other.

Like you Said there was trust respect and a lot Atraction between them, it's like they were meant for each other too bad the age diference and him being incarcerated was an obstacle.

Bubbles sent me the script and there I read how my bad feelings against the abbé weren't so wrong he became as evil as the doctor.

What he said to the marquise in their last talk was mean and reacted like jealous man.
First he blames the Marquis for Maddy's death and then tells him that even if doesn't want to admit it he felt in love with Madeline.

He was contradicting himself, the marquis being in love with Madeline made it impossible for him being guilty on Madeline's death.
I wasn't wrong for disliking the abbé almost at the end, the punish he gave him was a revange out of gealousy for the great relationship Madeline had with the Marquis.
