MovieChat Forums > George A. Romero Discussion > Welcome former IMDb Message Board Users

Welcome former IMDb Message Board Users

Since I'm the first poster, I wanted to welcome all stragglers to George Romero's discussion page on this site. Hope, MC will start to get more users, seeing as how it's closer to the structure of the old IMDb message boards.


where have you been ???


Well, I just now got around to checking the board. Still bummed the hell out after learning the news today. I know the guy was old, but still shocked.

The news reports said he died while they played the score from the Quiet Man. I'm guessing he must have been on hospice. It reminded me alot of the story about Gene Wilder passing while listening to Over the Rainbow.

The onset of lung cancer must've happened quickly too, because he was talking to reporters just a few months ago about making another film. I don't feel like any of the coverage is doing him justice. They center way too much on the zombie films and not enough on the fact that he pioneered modern horror. Maybe it's just me.


welcome back


Thanks buddy.
