Dance With a Stranger

I saw this film in Chicago at the theater.Having never seen Miranda Richardson before I didn't know what to expect.What I saw,was one of the most vivid,poweful,desent into madness, ever put on film. She played this role with such conviction and heart.She reminded me of a young electric Bette Davis,with a dash of Kim Stanley's grace and the carnal,transformative virtuosity of Jessica Lange.Her performance in "Dance with a Stranger" remains on my list of top ten great female performances.She gave me the chills!..and in a good way.I was sure she would be nominated for an Oscar for this,but she wasn't.Her work in this film never gets the recognition that" Damage"(another great performance) does.Does anyone agree?


I saw it in the theater also (in Chicago yet!) and was taken with Miranda from the get-go. I just watched it again on cable last Sunday and still like this movie a lot. I saw it after that year's Oscars and was totally shocked that neither she, Rupert Everett, nor Ian Holm were nominated.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


I rented it and I thought it was absolutely incredible. Really inspiring performance and you completely sympathise with the character. It's such an interesting true story as well. I think she is the best actress around and all of her performances, at least, all the ones I've seen, have been incredible.

"Once the vodka gets flowing you never know what's going to happen, really"


It's been years since I last posted this. I have seen this performance many times since and still feel it's one of the greatest I've ever seen. Happy Birthday to this superb actress!

"Forget it Jake,It's Chinatown."
