favorite movie

R.I.P.: Reese, Angel, Darren, Chad, Kyle, Jake, Mitch, Keith, Ryan, David, Trent, Scott

You all know you have one-heck I know I do.

So post-what's your favorite Miranda movie and why? (I know-how hard to pick just one!)


I think so far, my choice is damage. Miranda's performance in that is just amazing. Especially the kitchen scene. I love it. What's yours?


R.I.P.: Reese, Angel, Darren, Chad, Kyle, Jake, Mitch, Keith, Ryan, David, Trent, Scott

Oh stupid me! Scold's bridle. :D


Haven't watched that one yet.


I haven't seen many yet, but what I have seen has taken me aback by her talent and beauty. My favorite performances are narrowed down to Queen Mab in 'Merlin' and Queen Elspeth in 'Snow White'.

"By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me."


She's so damn beautiful. It never ceases to amaze me.

"Once the vodka gets flowing you never know what's going to happen, really"


My top 5:

1/the crying game
2/sleepy hollow
5/kansas city+harry potter 4


R.I.P.: Reese, Angel, Darren, Chad, Kyle, Jake, Mitch, Keith, Ryan, David, Trent, Scott

I lovvvvveeeee spider-so underrated and so underappreciated. Crying game is known for the twist, sleepy hollow has a huge fan base, who doesn't know harry potter by now, and I'm not sure how well known kansas city is though I suspect it's not well known.


Queenie in Black Adder II

Absolutely brilliant!

"...take him away and execute him.....he's killed Nursey!"
