MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Rhys Meyers Discussion > Where can I watch Belle du Seigneur??

Where can I watch Belle du Seigneur??

It looks so good.

The best things are last


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I don't know of any website where this movie can be viewed. It is available for preorder at Amazon Canada and will be released on Dec10. 2013. They renamed it A Grand Affair. That's stupid I think. I have the past 31/2 years tracking down every single movie/tv that Jonathan has ever appeared in. That is a full time job and some are difficult to find. If there are any others you want let me know and I will see if I have the link. Here is the Amazon Canada link.


For some reason the link doesn't work . Just go to and put a Grand Affair in the search box. Hope that works for you.


Thank you. I found the French and Russian versions online. I wish it was in English.

The best things are last


My friend has seen the English version online a couple of months ago, but it was taken down. She told me it is a stunning film and if you love a Royal Affair, you will love this one.


Hey Kozykatz, I made the link clickable for you. LE/ref=sr_1_1?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1384749886&sr=1-1&keyw ords=a+grand+affair

F.Y. I. If you click the markup enabled section (its next to the word Body when you make a reply) you can find out how to make a link clickable as well as other things like icons, etc.


I wish it was out there. I'm not a fan of buying films I haven't seen yet.

The best things are last
