MovieChat Forums > Judge Reinhold Discussion > Whatever happened to him?

Whatever happened to him?

He's a very good actor but he doesn't get any roles anymore and i just don't understand why hes not hideous and hes a good, solid actor so someone explain to me why he isn't bigger?

By the way he's in Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Gremlins, Beverly Hills Cop (1&2), Ruthless People, The Santa Clause (1,2,&3), and he had a very funny appearance on seinfeld as the "close-talker"

The Quarterback is Toast.


There is more than a few rumors that he is a diva and horrorable to work with. Just google it and many complaints about working with him will pop up. It is really a shame.

This is how I feel today.

This is how I feel everyday!


I've always liked this guy. I think there's an honesty and likeability in his performances.

reply unt=127

Judge Reinhold: he also has a reputation for being very difficult to work with/very obnoxious, which is probably all the more damaging since he can't open a film.


Judge Reinhold is an ass and is notoriously difficult on sets. He also has an obnoxious manager/wife. Basically they are a bargain basement version of Randy and Evi(l) Quaid.


reply 480 04/14/2014


Why Hollywood doesn't cast Judge Reinhold anymore


Why did Judge Reinhold retire from acting?

I think Judge’s career went downhill after the movie ”Vice Versa” flopped and he also had a reputation for being difficult on set. He also thought he was spoiled at that time. After that movie, the phone stopping ringing. He was still around after that, but he was not a big of a star as before. I do not think he has completely retired, but I do not see him in the acting business lately.


All I know is every time I hear "Moving In Stereo" on the radio I can't help but picture him furiously masturbating...


That was back about the time when people stopped knocking..
