MovieChat Forums > Amanda Peet Discussion > Why does celebrities do this?

Why does celebrities do this?

I wish I knew of a better way to write to Amanda directly, but who knows, maybe this post will make it's way to her ears directly or indirectly.

What an astonishing, bold, and ignorant statement to make towards the very people who SUPPORT the whole reason you have millions upon millions of dollars! It's not wise to insult the parenting population. Just because you demonstrated the ability to give birth to another human being, by no means, makes you an expert at parenting. People make their PERSONAL decisions because this country gave them that very right to do so. If you, Amanda Peet, disagree with the RIGHT that American parents have and exercise freely to decide against giving their children vaccinations, then perhaps you need to be whining to the government.

What you obviously didn't research before opening your mouth, which happens to carry an echo considering you are a celebrity that gets media coverage, is that there are children who DIE or are crippled from some vaccines.

I, myself, chose to vaccinate my children, but it sure as hell didn't come from the pressure of being judged by someone like yourself. It come from my own personal decision to do so, because I felt it was OK for my children. My cousin, Kelly, thought the same thing as me, and it's been medically PROVEN that the shot vaccinating against MMR for my younger cousin, Sean, is what caused him to become autistic. How dare you insult my friends, family, and fellow Americans for their free rights and choices. You might reserve the right to have your opinion, but when your opinion is taken with media coverage, newspapers, and internet - you're opinion obviously doesn't carry the same weight that the rest of the human population's opinions carry. You have a responsibility to speak CAREFULLY, or risk being seen for a very close minded, uncaring, ignorant human being.

Being a celebrity doesn't mean you get to disrespect the rest of the world no more than being a cop means you get to randomly shoot at anyone who ticks you off. With positions of power comes a great deal of responsibility, which I am seeing for the first time from your uninformed comment otherwise sinking to name calling, is not a skill you carry with finesse.

Remember, no one forces you to quit your job because the media attention you get is bad for your child, therefore showing you to be a neglectful parent. People may very well carry this opinion, but saying so in public certainly holds a small chance of reaching MILLIONS of ears just to insult you. You have your rights as a mother, an American, and a human being to raise your child in the environment and in the ways you see fit within the legal boundaries you are given. Why is anyone else bad for doing just as you do with the rights they have within their reach? You don't have to agree, but you don't have to insult others for their choices either. Parents don't demonstrate maturity through name calling. Your daughter will one day see your words which are marked down in history now. Hopefully she will be ashamed of her Mother being so hateful to the rest of the world.

Educate yourself, Mrs. Peet before you open your mouth to insert your foot and insult the parenting population. Did you know this? "It doesn't take a genius to do the calculations when on their day of birth children are given the hepatitis B vaccine, which is 12.5 micrograms of mercury," Geier told Insight magazine. "The average newborn weighs between six and seven pounds, so they would be allowed 0.3 micrograms of mercury – but in this one shot they are getting 12.5 micrograms. That's 39 times more than allowed by law."

Incase you did not know, mercury is poisonous and kills humans if they ingest it in a large enough quantity.

Here's a few links for you to review. This is what happened to the parents who decided to not be your opinionated "parasite".


What authority told you that vaccines cause Autism? My brother is Autistic and I find that argument offensive. My brother isn't Autistic because of vaccines, he's Autistic because he was born that way. Mercury doesn't cause Autism. Vaccines do not cause Autism. I read a few of your links and in none I read any evidence that vaccines were responsible, I do however see people assuming with no evidence whatsoever and statements that I would call into question by people that are not medical professionals. Tragedies, yes. Because of vaccinations, no. (I also saw negligence from doctors in some of those links.)

I wish everyone would read the information from the medical community on both sides of this important issue and not the heresay from hysterical people.


No offense, but not every child is born with Autism. Some are, but there may very well be a possibility that, if not the cause, it could absolutely be a trigger And I think people are having problems with this b-list actress moreso because she felt the need to insult other parents for their choices. It you disagree with them, fine, but really who is Amanda Peet to tell anyone what to do. Nothing against her, but people should focus on their own children, of course, the nanny probably takes care of hers.


many autistic children are not "born that way"......
many children are born and develop normally until a specific event, whether known or unknown (*cough* VACCINATION *cough*) makes them stop responding to stimuli. i know many parents of autistic children who did not show any signs of autism until age 2 or day they just stopped responding. if they were born that way, they would've been like that from the beginning.

friends don't let friends shiv!


You have wrong information. If a child is born with Autism it many times will not show till 18 months to two years (it's not like being deaf or blind). That is when they do the Autism testing. Do you have kids? You should have learned that at the doctor for their 18 month checkup. Most Autistic children are born that way (all the cases I've seen). That doesn't mean they have severely Autistic relatives. That means they have family on the spectrum and it becomes more serious in that child. Autism research points to a genetic connection, not to vaccinations. It's like being near cheese when you sneeze and deciding you must be allergic to cheese because you weren't sneezing before you were near the cheese. There is no reliable scientific research pointing to a connection between vaccinations and Autism. I can't wait till this fad is over.


no, i have the correct information. the medical community at large, the pharmaceutical industry specifically, would love to link every single preventable disease and dysfunction to "genetics" so that people can't place blame. that way they can keep marketing dangerous drugs and vaccinations to make billions of dollars annually at the expense of public health.

even if the incidence of autism WAS solely based on genetics, then WHY, in a family where everyone is on the "spectrum" would one family member exhibit the symptoms more prominently than another? could it be some kind of a trigger? hmm, one trigger for allergies/sensitivities and neurological symptoms i can think of is a vaccine, chock full of neurotoxins.

you can believe whatever your pediatrician tells you if it helps you sleep at night, and i'm not saying you're a bad parent for doing so. i'm just saying you should do your own research and not believe everything you're spoon fed by a medical doctor.....unfortunately they don't always have your best interest at heart.

friends don't let friends shiv!


I've seen your other posts, you seem to not read the responses people give. Like mine. I said if you are a parent your doctor will tell you about when and why they screen for Autism. I did not say that is where I got my information. As previously stated, I have a brother with Autism and my mother and I have both done a lot of reading on the subject because of it. You can believe everyone in the medical community is just out to make a buck if you like, but you are incorrect. There are terrible doctors out there that are only out for the all mighty dollar, but there are many others that are generally interested in research and bettering humanity. Read the clinical reports on Autism research. There is a lot out there, try to find a source you trust. Vaccines are not a "trigger". That a biological trait is more prominent in a future generation is basic Biology 101. When two people with two family histories come together it can create diseases and disorders not prominent in known family. You take a nugget (vaccines "full of neurotoxins" (which is over simplifying to say the least)) and twist it.

I'm done with this subject. It makes me sick to hear about a subject so close to my heart from people that don't know what they are talking about. I am a sister, a daughter, a mother, and a wife. My life has been touched by Autism. I'm sad about the finger pointing I see going on by people that would rather believe unqualified sources then do real research.

I think AP using the word parasite was a little strong, but the concept was correct. Those children are benefiting from other children being vaccinated. That's it. I'm done. No more from me.


i read your posts and responded to your statements/questions, so i'm not sure where you got the idea that i didn't, but ooook. the only question i didn't answer is whether or not i have children, which is a completely irrelevant question being that parents are not the only people in the world who know about vaccination schedules.

this subject is also close to my heart and i do know exactly what i'm talking about. i've done extensive research on this topic and treated children with autism. i firmly believe in my experience, from what i've witnessed firsthand, that there is a very strong connection between vaccines and a host of neurological deficits, both in childhood and later in life.

i have found several sources i trust who correlate autism with vaccines...sources that are not funded by drug companies and stand to gain nothing by making this connection. (i would consider medical journals and texts to be much more credible than anything found online). i don't discount the impact of genetic predisposition on the likelihood of a child being diagnosed with autism, i'm just saying this connection has been blown out of proportion and that it is not the only factor here.

my question to you is this: if there is such a strong connection between autism and genetics, why has the incidence of autism exploded in the past 15-20 years? i mean, 1 in 10,000 twenty years ago compared to 1 in 150 today? what has changed about genes? nothing really. what has changed is the number of vaccinations a child receives....that number has more than tripled. even those researchers who strongly correlate autism with genetics believe that there is a combination of genetic predisposition with an "ENVIRONMENTAL INSULT"....what would you interpret that as? well, neurotoxins fit that bill and then some.

friends don't let friends shiv!


" could absolutely be a trigger..." Prove it. Show us one shred of evidence that vaccinations "trigger" autism. There is none. Just because some mom claims that her child became autistic because they were vaccinated isn't proof. Parents that don't vaccinate their children are ignorant idiots, putting everybody their kid comes in contact with in danger. I'm NOT going to respect their "choices".
