MovieChat Forums > Guy Pearce Discussion > He is a Chameleon

He is a Chameleon

He never really looks the "same" in any of his movies, I love that he can adapt and change as needed to morph into his character that he is playing.


He's totally amazing and never disappoints!!! 

"Ain't life grand!"


I agree.

I admit I haven't seen too many of his performances, but Memento is one of my favorite movies. So I have somehow engraved in my mind that he's supposed to look like he did in that part. But he looks so oddly different in The King's Speech and, especially, in Lawless.


Yes, I love that of him too. He's a truly versatile artist.


He seems to be one of the most underrated and underappreciated actors out there based on his versatility.

Yet, everyone's seen Memento.
