MovieChat Forums > Rita Moreno Discussion > Hottest old lady ever. There, I said it...

Hottest old lady ever. There, I said it.

Many of you have thought it but didn't want to be thought of as a granny chaser. Well I'm no granny chaser, but I'd be lying if I said this woman looks anywhere near 80 and if I said she wasn't still attractive. And yeah, I'm in my 30's so that's saying something. I can only hope my future wife still clings to her outer beauty as well when she's nearly 80.

You go Rita.


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I wish more 80 year olds would dare to have their hair styled like that. Looks terrific.


Was thinking the same thing after just seeing her on 'The Talk'! Came here to find she's 80 years old! Not just her looks, but the way she moves and speaks is like no other 80 year old I know! She looks better than Elizabeth Taylor did at this age! I'm suprised that she doesn't get more credit/recognition for being so georgous at 80! One of the most beautiful and underatted actresses in Hollywood!



OZ is the best show ever... EVER!


Exactly! So many risk having surgery, even when it works and looks good they only look 5-10 years younger for about 5-10 years and then the aging accelerates and they wind up worse off then they'd have been without the surgery. Rita was in it for the long haul, she gave up the temporary benefits of surgery that last for just a few years, her reward now is that she is a stone cold fox into her 80s! Seriously, I triple checked sources to make sure IMDB didn't have the age wrong. With dyed hair she'd pass for 40s, even with the grey she looks early to mid 50s tops (actually I like the natural hair, much sexier than if she dyed it!)


I second that.




She is one hell of an actress too.
