Top 3 Roles?

Battlestar Galactica
Passion Fish
Donnie Darko


Donnie Darko
uhm... Scream 4?


I need to see Donnie Darko again. Only caught it once on some broadcast station, didn't even see the beginning, iirc.


She's an odd one. There is something about her I like, but whenever I see her on screen, he seems very underwhelming. Battlestar, Major Crimes, she just seems to stand around looking worried or quietly patient. It's like she has no ability to raise her voice or relax and let her feelings out, even if it's to show a sense of fun. She's a one-note wonder.


She got loud and very commanding on both the Closer and MC but it was rare and yes, she was usually cool as a cucumber.
I loved both of those shows and it kind of drove me crazy at the end of MC when she was presented as an angelic figure with no faults or shortcomings. They did the same thing with Flynn, who went from being a sexist, cynical jerk to a sweet and tender guy. Same with Rusty, an exploited street kid with a huge chip on his shoulder to a kind and loving professional.
When they killed off Sharon I really didn’t even care bc I was mostly into the rest of the cast all along.


I thought she was excellent in Passion Fish.
