How long ago was this ? Because I believe today her mind set may be differn't then it was durring and after Cheers. I saw a documentary on the tv show Cheers. It was really interesting and well done. The documentasaid that towards the end of the shows history. A lot of the cast members ego's become very large. A lot of them became very arrogant. It talked about a specific incident where Shelly Long was late for the shooting of an episode. Shelly was taking her time getting ready. She was holding up hundreds of people combing her hair. So Ted Danson became very angry. Charged into her dressing room. And started yelling at Shelly about her attittude and behavior. I guess it was a major incident and an ugly incident. I meet an actor who made a movie with Shelly (here in Portland, Oregon) in 1989. He was one of the leads in the film. He said that when he first meet Shelly. She explianed to him how to enter a room, so that he does not take away from her in public. She was very full of her self at that time. I think after Cheers ended and her career ended for a good number of years. Shelly became more humble. I remember hearing in the news that Shelly attempted suicide in the late ninties. Which I think is sad and I am glad that she lived. I think durring that time she may have done some soul searching.Life has a way of making people humble. Then later came the Brady Bunch movie and other work. Today I suspect she may be a lot more down to earth and real. Have may changed and growen as a person.
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