The Brothel King: For much of his run on network television, this talk show host (David Letterman) was married or in a relationship (Michelle Cook) (Merrill Markoe) (Regina Lasko). He was also very secretive. Although he would mention his family or offspring (son with Merrill Markoe, Harry Joseph), it was fairly rare. There was the time he got busted cheating (Extortion attempt and revelation of affairs) and had to publicly address it, but other than that, he was very quiet about his personal life. He has been accused of not liking women and definitely not hiring them. He didn't want women around because they might discover what he was doing on a daily basis and have them leak it somewhere because they were offended. In his early years, he would often go see an escort at lunch or right after the how taped. Every day he filmed this would happen. When he reached a certain level of fame, he was counseled by his long distance boss to make these visits much more discreet. So, our host rented an apartment and would have an escort meet him there. This started to prove problematic because he liked to change things up almost every day and have someone new, and sometimes they wouldn't show up and he would get angry at his staff. So, one day an assistant was assigned to him who had as their main task each day, to coordinate the escort for the host and make sure they were at the apartment at the appointed hour. There were often backups and they had to be paid too because they did come out. David Letterman/Michelle Cook; Merrill Markoe; Regina Lasko/son with Merrill Markoe, Harry Joseph (David Letterman Reveals Extortion Plot and Confesses to Sex With Staffers)