I Have Never Understood the Push Of this Guy?
Much like is going on at Saturday Night Live with Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and now Kristin Wiig, the same thing happened with this guy back on Friends.
I had stopped watching the show by the time his "Emmy nods" began, but truth betold Aniston only won hers so Pitt would show up at the ceremony. Everyone knew that (For that matter, Kudrow only won hers because she didnt go to England because she was pregnant).
But there was nothing in those first seven or so years to suddenly warrant LeBlanc get Emmy nominations. I heard about it and didn't return to the show.
But then he is given his own show and it is put in the cushy timeslot of Frasier???
The feeling was people had followed Grammer from Cheers to his own show, so now they would do the same thing with LeBlanc if the show was in the same timeslot?
Needless to say, it bombed.
But wait, there's more. He had a catchphrase!!!
Again, really?
Once more, in the seven years I watched Friends, it was never established that this was something Joey would often say. Chandler never made fun of it.
His catchphrase was supposed to be 'how you doin'?' which he used to pick up chicks, on the show and real life. Oh, I guess it swept the country somewhere.
But unlike Jimmie Walker's "Dynomite!" or Happy Days "Sit on it!" or Flo from Alice going "Kiss Mah Grifs!" as well as whatever other catchphrase from tv you can think of, this Joey catchphrase has been taken up by Wendy Williams. Go figure.
How about because a simple greeting like that was NOT his catchphrase! That's about like Trump trying to copyright 'youre fired' which he couldn't do.
But oh, check out a TV Guide from that time and it will be up there with Jan Brady going "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" (which by the way wasn't a catchphrase, she only said it one time on the show and we never recognized it in the show at all in reruns until near 20 years later) and Bugs Bunny's What's Up Doc?
So all I can conclude with is how often do we hear someone go "how you doin'?" and yelp "Ohmigod, just like Joey on Friends!"
Nobody does.