
The Caucasian Ms. Houston and like twins they even aged similarly as before her death the diva had put on weight and still looked like her lighter actress doppelganger. Lange sports the big hair pop star wig and sings on American Horror in what looks like a Bodyguard revamp making me wonder if those on the scene took advantage of the resemblance.


I was gonna make a post about this, they so look alike!!!!! Even their mannerisms


They don't look anything alike.


I see absolutely no resemblance between the two other than they are both phenomenally talented.


Totally agree! When Whitney first appeared on the scene, my Mum and I noticed she looked like Jessica :)


Ive always scene it, too. It's the eyes and at a certain point, Whitney sported Lange's famous sideways Bob from "Frances" and other films.

What's more interesting is if you do a search of Lange and Whitney, she apparently listed Queen as her favorite actress!!!
