You can tell an important director by their authorship.
Many director's works are indelibly marked by their creator, the auteur.
Some deal with interesting concepts, things important to them or society.
Peter Jackson's films like to discuss things falling down ravines in preposterous action scenes.
King Kong - giant trees fall down ravine, stopping handily to avoid all being killed, with humans clinging to the sides as if they were insects and not actually humans.
The Hobbit (1) - Giant trees *almost* fall down ravine, stopped by magical tree routes that only let giant trees fall flat and over hang ravines, adding 'tension' to Tolkien's original scene and making it more 'Jacksonish'.
The Hobbit (1) - Orcs fight with party and large tree based products slide and fall down ravine in cave, while humans inexplicably do not fly off, fall off, or get crushed.
The Hobbit (3) - Large ruinous stone tower, built by an ancient people, falls down a ravine, but defies gravity, its own weight, and the centuries of erosion upon its mortar, and stops falling held in place mortar that is magically strong under tension.... So as to allow Jackson to stage a 'suspenseful' fight upon it.
Perhaps you have recognised this director's autuership in other films or scenes where things fell down ravines, or inexplicably didn't...