If it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck....
Than it's a duck.
The Chandler's walked like extortionists and talked like extortionists.
Jordan Chandler's father claims to have dosed with with Sodium Amytal, a supposed 'truth serum' of which there's no scientific evidence to back it, and more to claim it creates false memories in the brain. The father, a dentists for Hollywood celebrities with an explicable solo screenwriting credit pointing to obvious dreams of stardom, than leaves a video taped recording excited about how much money he's going to steal from MJ, two days before Chandler even confessed. They go to CIVIL TRIAL and even refuse the defendant's request to have it postponed after an upcoming criminal one. Than, when the grand jury looks at the evidence (including I assume the so called smoking gun penis drawing) and isn't convinced enough to indite him, they leave it to Jordan Chandler as the last hope for a criminal trial to happen. He says, "it's okay" after accepting the money from the civil suit. Than, ripe into adult-hood with a fully developed moral compass, he refuses to testify against Michael in a criminal trial and flees the country.
Now please. Tell me what kind of mental gymnastics it takes to tell me that's not an extortionist.