Why aren't there more accusers?
There were plenty of accusers when he was alive. Unfortunately nothing they said amounted to any real evidence and they all ended up being extortionists.
But now that there is literally nothing stopping these so called victims, where are they? Did he only have a few victims and are those small numbers tooo afraid to come forth or perhaps they've moved on? Well no. That's not possible because pedophiles always have plenty of victims. Yet not one person has come forth, except these two washed up clowns who are obviously in desperate need of a buck.
Is it because they fear his celebrity? Is it because they're afraid no one will believe them because he's godamn Michael Jackson and how dare you slander him? No way. Especially in today's climate. People came out against the beloved Bill Cosby, they came out against Weinstein. Against Spacey, who is an extremely talented actors when he was at the height of making a beloved Netflix show. Reily. World renowned comedian, everybody loved him, no one does anymore. Nobody thinks being a celebrity makes you a good person. That's in the past. If anything rich celebrities are being scrutinized further. All it will take is one man to come out and say it, and CNN won't stop talking about it for ten years.
There is nothing stopping anyone from coming out and saying it...oh wait they can't make money off of him anymore because he's dead. Nevermind.