MovieChat Forums > Marcia Gay Harden Discussion > Better or worse than PSH? Discuss.

Better or worse than PSH? Discuss.

Almost as bad an actress as Philip Seymour Hoffman is an actor. (Not trolling, my name is sarcastic, **** off) Sure she's convincing in The Mist and other movies...but she always plays the role of herself in the real world. That does not take much talent, if she was like really nice and a friendly person most of the time it would be impressive, but she landed her first roles because she was just herself in auditions. So everyone on here that says she's an amazing actor is a garbage pile.

I bought you the LOTR boxed set! I remember you saying you have bad taste in movies :)


>>but she always plays the role of herself in the real world. That does not take much talent, if she was like really nice and a friendly person most of the time it would be impressive, but she landed her first roles because she was just herself in auditions<<

I read that three times and I still don't know what you're trying to say with that.

Have you seen any of her early work? Miller's Crossing? Crush? Sinatra?

Whatever you're saying, you sound uninformed.

You could never be Agent Cooper--not even for your mom's XMAS party!


I'd say she's quite a good character actress.

Compare her acting in spy hard to her acting in the mist. Just two films with a great difference in character.
